Core Web Vitals measure a specific set of technical metrics that Google has said will impact page rankings starting May 2021. Google has explicitly told marketers that if you want your content to rank well on Google, your content better have good scores for these 3 Core Web Vitals. Being out of step with past updates, such as mobile-first indexing, have caused sites to lose significant amounts of traffic that are difficult to recover.
There is also the possibility of a competitive advantage for sites that take action before May. A study done in August of 2020 shows that less than 15% of sites pass a Core Web Vitals test. If your site is one of the few that are prepared, you may find your rankings improving against competitors.
SEO Practice Lead Alex Swope considers this news significant, “Whenever Google adds a report to Search Console, I stand up and take notice.” He continued, “Google is telling us that particular attention will be paid to the quality of the user’s on-page experience moving forward.”
This whitepaper will provide everything you need to know to prepare for the update.
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